Thursday, 11 January 2007

A Breakthorugh at Last!

Ok, so I know that many of you have been wondering what has happened to the ‘man on a mission’, and that the rumours have been rife. Some speculated that I had blown my profits on a 48 hour drinking binge and ended up a Swedish fishing trawler. Others that I've become so disillusioned with my money making quest that I had gone quietly mad and was to be found rocking back and forward in my bedroom chair, chanting slowly “77p!”. Well I am hear to tell you that you were all wrong and that I do in fact have some rather shocking news.

Hold your hats guys and gals……for I am now £81 in profit!

Ok granted, it is unlikely that Entrepreneur magazine are going to be calling anytime soon, but I am now well on my way. My quest is now like some kind of run away train gradually accelerating until eventually it is an unstoppable force of power and momentum (or more like a Y reg old Fiesta with a broken exhaust struggling up a steep hill?).

Now before you all flood my inbox with inquisitive questions like “how did this fool turn £1 into £81” let me explain something to you. It was not easy! When you search the net for money making ideas you get promise after promise of easy cash, for very little work. Well my experience is that this simply isn’t true. I have though found a way that will enable me to earn (hopefully!!) rather a lot of money over the coming days and weeks as long as I am prepared to work at it a little.

Ok until next time……

Sorry just teasing, I intend to share every detail of my money making escapades with this blog in all its glory details, so here goes. While trawling the net day after day I discovered the beauty of affiliate marketing. For those unfamiliar with the term ‘affiliates’ are people who promote other people’s products, in exchange for an often hefty commission. I won’t bore you with the details but I downloaded a free guide from and it has given me an unbelievably thorough education on how to get started. I’ll be honest I’m not great with computers, but this guide really does show you what to do in great detail. No waffle, no hassle. To get your free copy visit today

Coming soon in the next instalment…..”How I turned my £81 into £81,000 in just 1 hour (OK, I can dream can’t I?!)

See you soon.

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Profit is here! Profit is here!

Houston we have lift off!!

Brace yourselves good readers, for this fine blog has just taken its first step toward its £100,000 target bonanza. Yep, that's right, this little ol' blog (it feels a bit big post Christmas turkey!) is now firmly on the path towards the spinning newspaper headlines, and worldwide adulation, which will surely come its way when it helps me turn £1 into £100,000!

Ok, are you sitting comfortably? Good, so I'll begin (can you taste the excitement in the air?). Yesterday this fine blog made, wait for it, (drum roll please...) 76 pence from people clicking those lovely looking adverts to the left of this post!! I can almost hear your collective gasp from here. 76 pence in just one day. If I carry on at this rate I will have hit my target in just (just!) 131,000 days (give or take the odd thousand days of course).

Well, granted, earning £100,000 over the course of 360 years does not make me an internet guru just yet, but at least I'm on the right road. Ok, maybe the road is heading to some small English Yorkshire village where the locals have 6 toes and 3 eyes, and not some glimmering metropolis, but it is a road none-the-less!

Tune in tommorow to see if I can up my pace to just a little bit faster than my grandad during a cross country egg and spoon race....

Monday, 1 January 2007

Day one in my money making adventure.....We have lift off!

After much anticipation and fanfare (well from me at least) my money making quest has begun with the new year. Now what with all of the anticipation and the fanfare you would think that I would have investigated how to go about this money making adventure. In truth, the detail of the plan has barely passed through my often slightly confused head.

All I do know is that there must be a way out there, and if anyone is going to find it then its going to be me. I can see in my mind's eye the front page of the Daily Express, (Internet Guru Wows World!) spinning excitedly just like in the old TV programmes, as I roll around on my bed (double king size and made of diamonds) bathing in greasy money and a sense of surreal smugness. So we know what the scene will look like January 2008, all I now need to decide is how I am going to accomplish this.

So I am off to search the world wide web for the path to my dreams. In the meantime if you have any ideas please (I'm begging!) don't hesitate to get in touch and help my paper spinning (Internet Genius Hailed by President!) dreams come true!

See you all soon...