Monday 1 January 2007

Day one in my money making adventure.....We have lift off!

After much anticipation and fanfare (well from me at least) my money making quest has begun with the new year. Now what with all of the anticipation and the fanfare you would think that I would have investigated how to go about this money making adventure. In truth, the detail of the plan has barely passed through my often slightly confused head.

All I do know is that there must be a way out there, and if anyone is going to find it then its going to be me. I can see in my mind's eye the front page of the Daily Express, (Internet Guru Wows World!) spinning excitedly just like in the old TV programmes, as I roll around on my bed (double king size and made of diamonds) bathing in greasy money and a sense of surreal smugness. So we know what the scene will look like January 2008, all I now need to decide is how I am going to accomplish this.

So I am off to search the world wide web for the path to my dreams. In the meantime if you have any ideas please (I'm begging!) don't hesitate to get in touch and help my paper spinning (Internet Genius Hailed by President!) dreams come true!

See you all soon...

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